Stories from the Addis research communication workshop
What were some of the topics covered? Read five blog stories:
- Enhancing the impact of research
- Communication the key to agricultural research with impact
- Agricultural research communication challenges in Africa
- Innovation, information, communication - maximising research impact
- CGIAR knowledge sharing in research project aims to enhance research impact
We also interviewed many of the participants, catching their views in a series of short videos:
- Innovation works - communication can help research lead to actions
- Innovation works - increasing the probability that research leads to actions
- Knowledge sharing in research - bridging individuals essential to sustain impact
- Knowledge sharing in research - ways to achieve research objectives more effectively
- Knowledge sharing in research - not an add-on!
- Communication can improve quality at every stage of the research cycle
- Research communicators need to understand their audiences [video]
- The innovation systems approach in agriculture
- How an IFPRI scientist disseminates his research
- Entrepreneurial services need to reinforce meaningful links between knowledge users and producers
- Communication the key to research utilization
- Communication a prerequisite for policy impact
- Communication the only way to maximise research impact
- Communicating research on insects at ICIPE, Africa
- Researchers need to see the benefits of communication
- Getting agricultural research off the shelf
- Maximising the impact of research on policy or practice
- Organizing research to impact on policy or practice
- IFPRI research communication excellence recognized
The Addis Ababa workshop was organized by the Global Development Network (GDN) in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the World Bank Institute (WBI), and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), with support from the Information and Communications Technology – Knowledge Management (ICT-KM) program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
Photos from the workshop
Video interviews at the workshop
More stories on this blog / on euforic blog / on ICT-KM blog
Euforic news on communication and knowledge-sharing
R4D news on research communication
Labels: africa, aginfo, commpact, communication, en, research
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