The AGRIS 2010 project: A portal for resource discovery in agriculture
He posed two problems:
- "Classic bibliographic metadata is often understood in an overly-simplistic fashion: users are seeking information against a system populated with metadata, which provides a metadata-driven interface through which users find their way to their target documents."
- "The results are bibliographic descriptions rich in its metadata but too often not sufficient for researchers who want to extend their knowledge on a specific topic."
And shared some solutions:
- "With the rise of full text search and online availability of more research material, such a role for metadata can appear redundant."
- "Bibliographic metadata grows in value as the Web grows in connectivity, and can provide researchers with a map of the global research community, linking their papers, thesis, articles with a wider grey literature (preprints, drafts) and with communication platforms (blogs, forums) that help researchers put formal findings into a wider context."
- "The main objective of the new AGRIS portal is to become a hub to access the diverse knowledge in agricultural science and technology available globally on the web."
- "It not only gives the researchers access to the AGRIS metadata, but it also provides data services to extend their knowledge, accessing Web data such as full text documents and news."
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