30 November 2005

Web portal serves Filipino farmers and extensionists

The Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture has set up a Pinoy Farmers Internet web portal to provide web-based services to extension workers and farmers. Part of the K-AGRINET programme, the farmers' web portal provides agricultural information and market guides online, farmers can have their farm problems answered by experts online, diagnostic tools, text-based queries, email, forum and audio and video conference.

The following types of information can be accessed through the portal:
  • Extension and information services. Helpful and essential agricultural information such as production guides, databases, directories, visual resources, and market guides are available online to keep extension workers and farmers well-informed and updated.
  • Advisory services. Farmers can easily have their farm problems answered through available experts online, diagnostic tools, text queries, email, forums, and video conferencing.
  • Online learning. The program also provides online training, and diploma and certification programs for those who are interested in furthering their careers in agriculture.
  • Information, education and communication. Rice science and technology updates, training, and demonstrations will be held to disseminate information to larger audiences.
The Open Academy is a network of institutions that provides education, training, extension and communication in agriculture, making information more accessible to those who need it.




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