Media, ICTs, extension to accelerate agriculture in South Asia

The discussions were picked up in regional media:
- The News (Pakistan) reported that the experts "stressed the need for the establishment of the first agriculture e-chamber, besides utilising information and communication technologies to promote the agriculture sector in the region." Dr Qadir Bux Baloch, Agriculture Development Commissioner of Pakistan's Ministry of Food and Agriculture referred to a series of websites to be set up - see He further "called for extending all kinds of support to the media to facilitate transfer of technology from research institutes to farmers."
- South Asia Media Net reported interventions by agricultural experts from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bangladesh and India. Md.Nazrul Islam from Bangladesh suggested to develop agricultural technology related farmers friendly contents for disseminating through ICT facilities and community based information centers; he also recommended the use of tools like mobile, CD, and Web to transfer technology at the village level - ensuring that agriculture technologies and information will be available at the "door-step of the farmers."
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Labels: aginfo, asia, bangladesh, communication, en, extension, ICT, media, pakistan, south_asia
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