Asian irrigation must be revitalised - mobile phones could help

Researchers from IWMI and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) modelled the water requirements of three different ways of feeding the booming population: importing food, expanding and improving rain-fed agriculture, and enhancing irrigated agriculture.
Investment is needed to encourage farmers to use new technologies, says Chartres (DG of IWMI). "The farmers themselves are using old-style systems, there's very little adoption of high-tech or efficient irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation or sprinklers ... there's a lack of capacity for the adoption of new technologies across the whole farming system."
Other new technologies could help. "There's a tremendous need for knowledge. But most farmers have a mobile phone in India and China and more and more have access to the Internet, so there's much more opportunity to get information out there."
Labels: aginfo, asia, cgiar, eagri, en, fao, ICT, india, iwmi, mobile, phones, water
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