Sharing data and information for agricultural research
This week, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences hosts an International Expert Consultation to build a framework for data and information sharing for agricultural research for development.
The papers for the event are all online - a good first step towards better accessibility. The papers include one prepared by the IAALD past president Barbara Hutchinson.
A large number of papers have been mobilised, including these:
A Framework for Data and Information sharing for ARD - Ajit Maru
Agricultural Information Sharing in the GAINS Experience - Joel Sam
Agricultural Knowledge Sharing in the Philippines - Mila Ramos
Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing - Moroccan case - Ottam
Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing - Kenya case - Richard Mugata
Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information sharing - Papua New Guinea case - Seniorl Anzu
CIRAD contribution to scientific dissemination at institutional, national and international level - Marie-Claude Deboin
Co-learning and co-creation within knowledge exchange platform - Myra Wopereis-Pura
Crop Germplasm Resources CGR Information Sharing in China - Fangwei
Expanding Thai Agricultural Boundary of Knowledge - Lessons Learned from Thai AGRIS Centre - Aree Thunkijjanukij
Livestock Research for Rural Development - T. R. Prest
Observations on the aspects of how CABI manages and shares its information - Qiaoqiao Zhang
Persistent identifiers - Comparing schemes for their use in the CIARD Framework - Hugo Besemer
Perspective on Efforts to Share Data and Information in the Central Asia and Caucasus Region - Oleg Shatberashvili
The status of Data and Information Sharing in the Republic of Yemen - Mohamed Noman Sallam
Advanced Resaerch of sharing of basic feed composition data based on China Feed-DataBase Information Center - CFIC - Xiong Benhai
An attempt to integrate huge scientific data with interoperability in Japan - Seishi Ninomiya
Building the CIARD framework for Data and Information Sharing - Mauritius - Krishan Bheenick
CAAS information sharing and Perspectives for the framework development - Pan Shuchun
Communicating Agricultural Science and Technology - Indicators, Lessons Learned - Flaherty
Data Information Sharing in Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development â?? Vietnam - Nguyen Nghi
Knowledge as a Service for Agriculture Domain - Asanee Kawtrakul
Sharing experience in the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific - Simon Wilkinson
Holistic AGRO-ICT solutions considering also the integration of horizontal and vertical stakeholders - Walter H. Mayer
IAALDs Commitment to and Promotion of Agricultural Information Sharing and the CIARD Movement - Barbara Hutchinson
The role of the CIARD RING in the Building of the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing - Valeria Pesce
Vision paper - ITPGRFA
Summary paper of the e-consultation - Tom Baker
The papers for the event are all online - a good first step towards better accessibility. The papers include one prepared by the IAALD past president Barbara Hutchinson.
A large number of papers have been mobilised, including these:

Labels: aginfo, ciard, data, en, information, open_access, research
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