15 May 2007

ICT and broadband in Europe's rural areas

This week, rural and information society policy makers, business people, and practitioners will gather to explore how Europe's less-developed rural and remote areas can gain from Broadband ICT services.

In her speech, Mariann Fischer Boel - the European Commissioner responsible for agriculture and rural development - suggests that the "second pillar" of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is moulded around three broad themes, which are:
  • first, improving the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry;
  • secondly, improving the environment and the countryside; and
  • thirdly, the quality of life in rural areas, and diversification of the rural economy.
"ICT in general is highly relevant to the first and the third of these themes. It helps existing businesses to perform tasks more effectively and efficiently; it creates greater scope for new businesses to start up; and it makes it easier to deliver vital services."


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